ENGLERT Leaf Guard is the permanent, clog-free gutter solution!* "Cuaranteed not to dog for as long as you own your home, or we will dean your qutters for free GOOD- HOUSEKEEPING * LeafGuard 15 YEARS BACKED BY THE SEAL A+ BB PLUS $99 DOWN IRECEIVE A $251 LOWE'S GIFT CARD $99 PER WITH FREE IN-HOME ESTIMATE! I$99 INSTALLATION" 1 LOWE'S 608-440-2319 CALL TODAY FOR YOUR FREE ESTIMATE! THE ONLY ONE-PIECE SEAMLESS DEBRIS SHEDDING GUTTER SYSTEM. SCRATCHGUARD® PAINT FINISH LIFETIME NO-CLOG WARRANTY MADE ONSITE SPECIFICALLY FOR YOUR HOME ta be eigble for tha promotion, the particpanti mtinated job cot mat be at leant SML The adetised payment of samonthan etinate only, and inumes at thed paty Nal oyen wi pal Her nal pemtage es poly te boyes wih erodt ings Loaluand is reite abroker ner a lerde. Francing is provide bytdpany lenden wend w letd nder eand condrers nged drecty beaen the ctone and sch lender, al of aich a bintte edt unements and taory completon of france dacunents Any rance tems adverted ae entes only teatuand does not ait w, counel or negotue francing sther than providng cutomen an inboduction to lenden intrted in firancing m cutomen. bois oa t participant who nd an etimuted 00 minute inhome product comutation wil noivea S25 git cand al slr s s2. Ofer sponoed by Lealad reldings inc Limit one per houtold. Company procum set, and intalt manlen guter protection. The ofer a vald for homeones over 1 yin of agt. naried or involved witha ie partner, both cohubtating penon mattend and omplete preentation togeter. faricipantimut havraphote be betnderstand ga, and be legaly able t eter ito a cntt he folowng penon aeot eigble l th ofemploynes of Comoeny or affiutet comperies or etes their innedate family menbers previ pertiipants ina Company inhone cotion wiie the pet 12 mords and al uent and forer Company outomen Gt a not be etended. vandered or bhod engt that Company may sbea ghof qualor gne vale tdeemst ecsary. Git cad wl be naled se the paticipant va fra ds Unted Ruos Malareled wtin 21 dayof morgt af the promotion form, Not vald in conjuncion withay ather promotion or decauntanyind. Ofer not ponsaondar promoted bylawandsubject to change wthout notior prorto eenuton. lpes O0 ENGLERT Leaf Guard is the permanent, clog-free gutter solution!* "Cuaranteed not to dog for as long as you own your home, or we will dean your qutters for free GOOD- HOUSEKEEPING * LeafGuard 15 YEARS BACKED BY THE SEAL A+ BB PLUS $99 DOWN IRECEIVE A $251 LOWE'S GIFT CARD $99 PER WITH FREE IN-HOME ESTIMATE! I$99 INSTALLATION" 1 LOWE'S 608-440-2319 CALL TODAY FOR YOUR FREE ESTIMATE! THE ONLY ONE-PIECE SEAMLESS DEBRIS SHEDDING GUTTER SYSTEM. SCRATCHGUARD® PAINT FINISH LIFETIME NO-CLOG WARRANTY MADE ONSITE SPECIFICALLY FOR YOUR HOME ta be eigble for tha promotion, the particpanti mtinated job cot mat be at leant SML The adetised payment of samonthan etinate only, and inumes at thed paty Nal oyen wi pal Her nal pemtage es poly te boyes wih erodt ings Loaluand is reite abroker ner a lerde. Francing is provide bytdpany lenden wend w letd nder eand condrers nged drecty beaen the ctone and sch lender, al of aich a bintte edt unements and taory completon of france dacunents Any rance tems adverted ae entes only teatuand does not ait w, counel or negotue francing sther than providng cutomen an inboduction to lenden intrted in firancing m cutomen. bois oa t participant who nd an etimuted 00 minute inhome product comutation wil noivea S25 git cand al slr s s2. Ofer sponoed by Lealad reldings inc Limit one per houtold. Company procum set, and intalt manlen guter protection. The ofer a vald for homeones over 1 yin of agt. naried or involved witha ie partner, both cohubtating penon mattend and omplete preentation togeter. faricipantimut havraphote be betnderstand ga, and be legaly able t eter ito a cntt he folowng penon aeot eigble l th ofemploynes of Comoeny or affiutet comperies or etes their innedate family menbers previ pertiipants ina Company inhone cotion wiie the pet 12 mords and al uent and forer Company outomen Gt a not be etended. vandered or bhod engt that Company may sbea ghof qualor gne vale tdeemst ecsary. Git cad wl be naled se the paticipant va fra ds Unted Ruos Malareled wtin 21 dayof morgt af the promotion form, Not vald in conjuncion withay ather promotion or decauntanyind. Ofer not ponsaondar promoted bylawandsubject to change wthout notior prorto eenuton. lpes O0