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  • Published Date

    July 10, 2020
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LeafGuard ENGLERT 00 is the permanent, clog-free gutter solution!* "Guarantoed not to clog tor s long an you own your home, or we ll dean your guters tor tree GOOD. HOUSEKEEPING * LeafGuarde 15 YEARS BACKED BY THE SEAL A+ BBB PLUS 75% OFF LABOR IRECEIVE A $25 DARDEN GIFT CARD WITH FREE IN-HOME ESTIMATE!** Olve VLONCHORN 608-440-2319 Cheddar CALL TODAY FOR YOUR FREE ESTIMATE! THE ONLY ONE-PIECE SEAMLESS DEBRIS SHEDDING GUTTER SYSTEM. SCRATCHGUARD PAINT FINISH LIFETIME NO-CLOG WARRANTY MADE ONSITE SPECIFICALLY FOR YOUR HOME "Dos not include cost of materal Eapies 2s120 "Al participants who atend an estimated 00-90 minute inhome product consultation wil receivea $25 gilt card. Retal value is 25. Offer sponsored by Leafuard Holdings Inc. Limit one per household. Company procu, sel and installs seamless gutter protection. This offer a valid for homeowners oer 18 years of age. f maried or involved with a lie patner, both cohabitating penons mut attend and complete presentation together. Paicipants must have a photo D, be able to underntand En penons are not eligible for this offer employees of Company or affilaned companies or entities, their immedate famiy members, previous participants ina Company in home consutation within the past 12 month and al cunent and former Company customen. Gt may not be otended, translerned, or substituted ecpt that Company may Mail oremaled within 21 days of secipt of the promotion form. Not valid in conjunction with any other promotion or discount ofany kind. Offer not sponored or promoted by Darden and is subjecd to change without notice prior to reservation. Expires 2V20. English, and be legaly able to enter into a contract. The following a git of equal or greater value fedeems it necesary. Gt card will be maled to the participant via fint clan United Sutes LeafGuard ENGLERT 00 is the permanent, clog-free gutter solution!* "Guarantoed not to clog tor s long an you own your home, or we ll dean your guters tor tree GOOD. HOUSEKEEPING * LeafGuarde 15 YEARS BACKED BY THE SEAL A+ BBB PLUS 75% OFF LABOR IRECEIVE A $25 DARDEN GIFT CARD WITH FREE IN-HOME ESTIMATE!** Olve VLONCHORN 608-440-2319 Cheddar CALL TODAY FOR YOUR FREE ESTIMATE! THE ONLY ONE-PIECE SEAMLESS DEBRIS SHEDDING GUTTER SYSTEM. SCRATCHGUARD PAINT FINISH LIFETIME NO-CLOG WARRANTY MADE ONSITE SPECIFICALLY FOR YOUR HOME "Dos not include cost of materal Eapies 2s120 "Al participants who atend an estimated 00-90 minute inhome product consultation wil receivea $25 gilt card. Retal value is 25. Offer sponsored by Leafuard Holdings Inc. Limit one per household. Company procu, sel and installs seamless gutter protection. This offer a valid for homeowners oer 18 years of age. f maried or involved with a lie patner, both cohabitating penons mut attend and complete presentation together. Paicipants must have a photo D, be able to underntand En penons are not eligible for this offer employees of Company or affilaned companies or entities, their immedate famiy members, previous participants ina Company in home consutation within the past 12 month and al cunent and former Company customen. Gt may not be otended, translerned, or substituted ecpt that Company may Mail oremaled within 21 days of secipt of the promotion form. Not valid in conjunction with any other promotion or discount ofany kind. Offer not sponored or promoted by Darden and is subjecd to change without notice prior to reservation. Expires 2V20. English, and be legaly able to enter into a contract. The following a git of equal or greater value fedeems it necesary. Gt card will be maled to the participant via fint clan United Sutes