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  • Published Date

    December 24, 2020
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THANK YOU to all our Healthcare Heroes - Quint and Rishy Studer 2020 A year that began like any other soon became one we'll never forget. COVID-19 swopt across the country, and threatened to bring us to our knees. But you stood up - doctors, nurses, caregivers, and hospital statf -you answered the call. Not for praise, not because it was easy. You did not ask, "Why me?" Al great personal risk, you charged forward. day after day. Faced with an unprecedented challenge. you displayed uncommon courage. Through endless days and sleepless nights, through wave after wave, you went above and beyond to put others first. We did not ask you to stand on the front lines of this fight, because we did not have to. You were always there. You are the best of us, and we thank you. THANK YOU to all our Healthcare Heroes - Quint and Rishy Studer 2020 A year that began like any other soon became one we'll never forget. COVID-19 swopt across the country, and threatened to bring us to our knees. But you stood up - doctors, nurses, caregivers, and hospital statf -you answered the call. Not for praise, not because it was easy. You did not ask, "Why me?" Al great personal risk, you charged forward. day after day. Faced with an unprecedented challenge. you displayed uncommon courage. Through endless days and sleepless nights, through wave after wave, you went above and beyond to put others first. We did not ask you to stand on the front lines of this fight, because we did not have to. You were always there. You are the best of us, and we thank you.