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  • Published Date

    March 27, 2019
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MILTON SCHOOL DISTRICT OF MILTON REFERENDUM NEWS WHAT DOES THE PROPOSED REFERENDUM INCLUDE? VOTE CONSOLIDATED ELEMENTARY Secure enty odition to increose student APRIL 2, 2019 afety Enhance classroom spaces to address overcrowding& support moden learning mprove ADA occessibilty DEAR DISTRICT RESIDENTS EAST ELEMENTARY On January 14,2019 we voted 7-0to ask voters to consider o $59.9 milion dollar copital fociies referendum question designed to address District fociies needs on the Api 2 2019 generai election balot The question includes proposed mprovements that will take tdens cut of the basemert at Milton East Bementary,and out of closets that have been converied into classrocms in several schoos due to Imited spoce and overcrowding. The question dlso seeks to improve safety and security and ADA occessibility in our schools, ond reploces our faling pool. overcrowding&support modern leaing Increase cafeteria space to address mprove ADA occessbility Atmusic room additions to get students out of the HARMONY ELEMENTARY Enhance classroom spaces to address overcrowding& support modern leaming Improve ADA occessblity WEST ELEMENTARY Enhance classroom spaces fo address overcrowding& support modern leaming Art room renovation Increase cofeteria space to cddress overcrowding Improve ADA occessibiity We hove acfively istened to ond engoged DisicResd throughout the past severd opproach has been diferent and s0 is this new solution that makes renovations and improvements to six different schoos, The question being presented to Dstict Voters on Apri 2 2019 reflect MIDDLE SCH0OL Enhance classroom spaces to address overcrowding &support modern leaning provide the sofest, highest quoity educationdl experences for our students at the lowest possible cost to taxpoyers e renovation for new tudent and community opportuntes d.lrgrove ADA occessbity Sincerely BOARD OF EDUCATION HIGH SCHOOL tbuing STEM(Science, Technology.Engineering Performing Arts space renovation Community ADA occessble pool ooh wng for fexble & modem leaming ESTIMATED TAX IMPACT PROPERTY VALUE YEAR RATE per $100.000 $164- $1.64 PER MILL (himprove ADAoccestity 0 0 www MILTON.K12.WIUS/DISTRICT/REFERENDUM-2019.CFM )