We Want To Work For You SE CLEANERS Somctimcs you just need it donc right! We Solve Pet Odor Problems Safe, Eco-friendly Cleaners Proudly Based in Janesvile for 30 Years FREE ESTIMATES Winter is a great WOOD FLOOR SPECIAL time to clean your with 1 Year Supply of Cleaner carpets! Enjoy faster upon completion of your drying time and takerefinishing service advantage of our CARPET SPECIAL 2 Rooms & A Hall greater availability. $69.95 Not sure if yourUp To 300 Sq. Ft flooring can be cleaned? We can help you decide and UPHOLSTERY SPECIAL Sofa $59 LoveSeat $49 Chair $29 TILE SPECIAL replace your flooring 5 % OFF TILE SEALING with Cleaning AIR DUCT AND DRYER VENT CLEANING if necessary. Cleaning costs will be credited back if you choose to replace your flooring We now clean Leather Furniture $25-$1000ff St." Cal For Please present fdtisvie Vald tr dtions apply aic Monday Priday 8am-4p We guarantee your complete satisfaction! Someone is always available to take your call. 608.752.5326 Book Online! www.secleaners.com