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    September 23, 2019
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ADOPTION HOURS MON, TUES, THURS & FRI 12-7 PM. CLOSED WED. (BY APPT. ONLY) SAT&SUN: 12-5 PM humane society of Suthen Wisconsin 222 S. Arch St Janesville 752-5622 Evt The Dog Wlk October 5, 2010-0.00-12-00pm) Locationc Riverside PrkJone Pevion-elit The Hamane Boclety of Douthem Wsconain w be heeting their Deg Wk event on Gatunday, Octiober 5th fvnt participants and dogs can njoys half-e lgocn wak or 26-me river wlk anourd the soenlo Rock ver. The wak begine prompl at 10, wih check-in and on-site egistrafiona beginning at thm Ths s dog Dogs ane reel id under 10 are ree The regtration for I ha is 5t Feel free to pchane ur VP regatreon peckage for 130, ncluding the Deg Wlk1-shirt and a e Deg Wk bandanal Purchese fickets here:p The event s open to the genal publie, wih al proceds bening the Humane eolety nd ndependent oprofit, and ts work to provide mediodl treatment foafer cere ad other temponary houing, nd dopticn services for more than 4,000 ot nd homeless pete ech yeer When Bahunday October 5t where: Riverside Perk-nes ion-Belit, W Mors f Call 008-762-5822 Pet of the Week: Harley/ Hound Mix /5 years old / PP# 42698639 NEWS Bg Pet of the Week is petty big de We know that, you know that and our pes know at. We wt hep e9lo kgo hoa again b outfing r adoption fes in ha For more infomation, vit our wabaite pa www.petgohome.crgadopt/pet-spoghtuwpet-of-he-week or give us a call 608-72-221 s WIVL Janesvile Pet of he Weak fal Usten to us on 90.9FM Monday momings around 7:00am Marly isaPeople Pupl This et, ate lady isasoclal butarfy who s alway exiled to meet new people when ahaa oruising around her naighborhood. he wes ght up to stranges alwaggin Harleg la gong and fy bouse-frainad. She makes f demanda oher than lefting youknow han the needs to go outside. She's to ply outide and ay in her kiddie pool, but moy the just wanhs to be near ber pople Could Harly the dog for yo Vt her foday i the Humane Soelety of hem Wis nd ere sure fe fell in leve Harley-42698630 av42059 Ol42700770 De P 4 se Pnds429020 Mooe 0431 563 Poppy 42308436 Werd-42600 Lake tgike42 y4 4270 La 403400os Caloi- 4250 r-13830340 Nls-42282 Janesville Veterinary Clinic, Ltd. FREEMAN Alignment WE NEED YOUR HELP TIME, & TALENT. GIVERS NEEDED FOR: NOSPITAL MEMBER AAHA NERCAN ANMAL OAL AsOCAON Complete Pet Care Emergency Service Complete Brake & Suspension Service 259 South River St Janesville, W John Freeman 608-752-5872 dog walkers cat socialization fostering adoption assistance special events office-clerical 1730 E. Milwaukee St. 752-8127 1802 Mineral Point 754-6606 ALL CREATURES Dr. McSweeny, DMV Bubbles & Bows Pet Grooming Animal Supples Pet Motel (Boarding you're 16 or older or f you're younger and your parent ar another adut can join you in volunteering, fout an application on-ine or gve us a call to find ouf more 3280 S. Hwy 51 Janesville, W 608-741-9090 Personal Care For Your Pet 3434 E. Milwaukee 741-7064 ADOPTION HOURS MON, TUES, THURS & FRI 12-7 PM. CLOSED WED. (BY APPT. ONLY) SAT&SUN: 12-5 PM humane society of Suthen Wisconsin 222 S. Arch St Janesville 752-5622 Evt The Dog Wlk October 5, 2010-0.00-12-00pm) Locationc Riverside PrkJone Pevion-elit The Hamane Boclety of Douthem Wsconain w be heeting their Deg Wk event on Gatunday, Octiober 5th fvnt participants and dogs can njoys half-e lgocn wak or 26-me river wlk anourd the soenlo Rock ver. The wak begine prompl at 10, wih check-in and on-site egistrafiona beginning at thm Ths s dog Dogs ane reel id under 10 are ree The regtration for I ha is 5t Feel free to pchane ur VP regatreon peckage for 130, ncluding the Deg Wlk1-shirt and a e Deg Wk bandanal Purchese fickets here:p The event s open to the genal publie, wih al proceds bening the Humane eolety nd ndependent oprofit, and ts work to provide mediodl treatment foafer cere ad other temponary houing, nd dopticn services for more than 4,000 ot nd homeless pete ech yeer When Bahunday October 5t where: Riverside Perk-nes ion-Belit, W Mors f Call 008-762-5822 Pet of the Week: Harley/ Hound Mix /5 years old / PP# 42698639 NEWS Bg Pet of the Week is petty big de We know that, you know that and our pes know at. We wt hep e9lo kgo hoa again b outfing r adoption fes in ha For more infomation, vit our wabaite pa www.petgohome.crgadopt/pet-spoghtuwpet-of-he-week or give us a call 608-72-221 s WIVL Janesvile Pet of he Weak fal Usten to us on 90.9FM Monday momings around 7:00am Marly isaPeople Pupl This et, ate lady isasoclal butarfy who s alway exiled to meet new people when ahaa oruising around her naighborhood. he wes ght up to stranges alwaggin Harleg la gong and fy bouse-frainad. She makes f demanda oher than lefting youknow han the needs to go outside. She's to ply outide and ay in her kiddie pool, but moy the just wanhs to be near ber pople Could Harly the dog for yo Vt her foday i the Humane Soelety of hem Wis nd ere sure fe fell in leve Harley-42698630 av42059 Ol42700770 De P 4 se Pnds429020 Mooe 0431 563 Poppy 42308436 Werd-42600 Lake tgike42 y4 4270 La 403400os Caloi- 4250 r-13830340 Nls-42282 Janesville Veterinary Clinic, Ltd. FREEMAN Alignment WE NEED YOUR HELP TIME, & TALENT. GIVERS NEEDED FOR: NOSPITAL MEMBER AAHA NERCAN ANMAL OAL AsOCAON Complete Pet Care Emergency Service Complete Brake & Suspension Service 259 South River St Janesville, W John Freeman 608-752-5872 dog walkers cat socialization fostering adoption assistance special events office-clerical 1730 E. Milwaukee St. 752-8127 1802 Mineral Point 754-6606 ALL CREATURES Dr. McSweeny, DMV Bubbles & Bows Pet Grooming Animal Supples Pet Motel (Boarding you're 16 or older or f you're younger and your parent ar another adut can join you in volunteering, fout an application on-ine or gve us a call to find ouf more 3280 S. Hwy 51 Janesville, W 608-741-9090 Personal Care For Your Pet 3434 E. Milwaukee 741-7064