TEACH KIDS ABOUT MONEY Teach them to save their money, one penny at a time. Children involved in financial literacy become adults who understand how to manage their money for future financial wellness. BLACKHAWK COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION Start a savings account today on bhccu.org and help your child develop financial skills for life. 608-755-6065 800-779-5555 www.bhccu.org Federally Insured by NCUA TEACH KIDS ABOUT MONEY Teach them to save their money, one penny at a time. Children involved in financial literacy become adults who understand how to manage their money for future financial wellness. BLACKHAWK COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION Start a savings account today on bhccu.org and help your child develop financial skills for life. 608-755-6065 800-779-5555 www.bhccu.org Federally Insured by NCUA