DOWNTOWN BELOIT Grand Lighted Holiday PARADE IN REVERSE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27 6:00 TO 8:00 PM THIRD ST. PARKING LOT Enjoy the 28th Annual Grand Lighted Holiday Parade in reverse. Drive through the Third Street parking lot and view the fabulous holiday floats! Get the map on the Downtown Beloit Association's Facebook page. Float applications available now. Cash prizes for floats! Check out Downtown Beloit's Window Decorating Contest from November 23-December 4 and vote for your favorite via Downtown Beloit Association's Facebook page. ASSOCIATION BELOIT OZINGA Belhit Daily News Bein FAIRBANKS MORSE oh Svte WISCONSIN BELOIT. DUPONT | MCGILVRA ELECTRIC | STATELINE MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DOWNTOWN BELOIT ASSOCIATION | 608.365.0150 | DOWNTOWNBELOIT.COM DOWNTOWN DOWNTOWN BELOIT Grand Lighted Holiday PARADE IN REVERSE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27 6:00 TO 8:00 PM THIRD ST. PARKING LOT Enjoy the 28th Annual Grand Lighted Holiday Parade in reverse. Drive through the Third Street parking lot and view the fabulous holiday floats! Get the map on the Downtown Beloit Association's Facebook page. Float applications available now. Cash prizes for floats! Check out Downtown Beloit's Window Decorating Contest from November 23-December 4 and vote for your favorite via Downtown Beloit Association's Facebook page. ASSOCIATION BELOIT OZINGA Belhit Daily News Bein FAIRBANKS MORSE oh Svte WISCONSIN BELOIT. DUPONT | MCGILVRA ELECTRIC | STATELINE MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DOWNTOWN BELOIT ASSOCIATION | 608.365.0150 | DOWNTOWNBELOIT.COM DOWNTOWN