JANESVILLE BELOIT SYMPHONY CELEBRATING 20 YEARS WITH MAESTRO TOMARO 2019-2020 SEASON: HOLIDAY POPS: LET FREEDOM RING July 3, Janesville and July 4, Beloit DVORAK'S NEW WORLD October 3, Beloit and October 6, Janesville FAURE REQUIEM-FREE CONCERT November 10, Beloit HOLIDAY POPS! December 12, Beloit and December 15, Janesville OBRAS MAESTRAS LATINAS March 14, Beloit and March 15, Janesville MOTHER'S DAY CONCERT AND BRUNCH May 10, Janesville beloitjanesvillesymphony.org | 608.313.1200 JANESVILLE BELOIT SYMPHONY CELEBRATING 20 YEARS WITH MAESTRO TOMARO 2019-2020 SEASON: HOLIDAY POPS: LET FREEDOM RING July 3, Janesville and July 4, Beloit DVORAK'S NEW WORLD October 3, Beloit and October 6, Janesville FAURE REQUIEM-FREE CONCERT November 10, Beloit HOLIDAY POPS! December 12, Beloit and December 15, Janesville OBRAS MAESTRAS LATINAS March 14, Beloit and March 15, Janesville MOTHER'S DAY CONCERT AND BRUNCH May 10, Janesville beloitjanesvillesymphony.org | 608.313.1200