Bump Your Rate Anytime Bump Rate CDs as high as 2.85% APY* . Minimum $500 to open . 36, 48, and 60-Month terms . One-time bump rate option Open yours today at adviacu.org/cd, call 844.238.4228, or stop by any branch location. Beloit | Burlington I Elkhorn I Janesville | Rockton Silver Lake l Waukesha I Williams Bay advia credit union APY- Annual Percentage Yield. Current Member Advantage Rewards do not apply to this certificate type. Early CD withdrawal penalties may apply. Minimum balance to open a CD is $500. One-time during the term of your CD you may request a rate increase to our current published rate for the equivalent term CD. The higher rate will be earned for the remainder of the term. Rates are subjoct to change daily and may not increase over the term of the CD. CO will renew into a regular CD of the same term. To exercise this bunp feature, you must call us at 844.238.4228 or stop into a branch. Federally insured by NCUA.